Friday, March 22, 2019

Art class - Update I

Ahem. Ice Cream Rain here! If you have read my previous article (If you haven't, go to the link above) then you know all about the art class we're taking! I told you I would update you when we made more art, and I am going to keep my word!! Also, remember that our teacher helped us with these!

Art - Group 1

"Sunflower" by Child 2
This is an art piece by me, "Sunflower". I worked very hard on it! You can see an "M" on the bottom right. I love the color!
"The cats" by Buster
This is an art piece by Buster. He worked very hard on it. I think it's really, really, really cute!!!!!
"Sunset in the woods" by Child 1
This is an art piece by Child 1. She worked very hard on it. I think it looks awesome, don't you?

Art - Group 2
"Starry Night" by all of us
This time we each made a picture, so that when placed side by side they all line up. Can you guess which one was made by who?
Hint: from youngest to oldest

Answer: Buster's is the one on the left, mine is in the middle, and Child 1 made the one on the right.

Art - Group 3

"Happy on the outside" by Child 2
I worked EXTREMELY hard on this art piece. The blue background on the left and the calmly smiling lady shows calmness and happiness. The left is the outside. The brilliant orange background on the left and the sad colors of the crying girl shows fear and sadness. The right is the inside.
"Two faces" by Child 1
Child 1 worked very hard on this art. I think, in my opinion, though I am not sure what she thinks, the left side emanates Happiness, Joy, and positivity. I think the right side shows mystery, beauty, and eeriness. Great work, Child 1!
"Make it up" by Buster
This is a wonderful art work! I love how the shoulders shrug in a calm way, how the multicolored eyes stand out and the styled rosy cheeks. The left shoulder is the same color as the right background, and the right shoulder is the same color as the left background. "Make it up" is wacky, colorful, and fills you with wonder.

Art - Group 4
"Harmony island" by Child 1
Harmony island is a calm, peaceful work just as the name suggests and makes you smile. The ocean is filled with different shades and looks fantastic against the colorful island. Fish swim in the waters along with a whale, and a sun peeks out from the clouds.
"Hidden island" by Child 2
The jagged floating piece of rock sets this artwork's theme and mood. A strange, impossible thing. A killer whale bigger than a tree? A colorless sky with no sun at all? The whale seems to jump from the water, but who knows... It might be floating.
"Apple" by Buster
"Apple" is a wonderful art piece. It's simple and calming. An apple atop a table, a shadow emanating from it across the table. A blue background, and butterflies flitting around. Instead of a frame a sketchy black line has been painted around it for borders.

It's been so long, it seems, since we started this class. Art covers our walls, each piece better than the last. I think we've improved, don't you?

❤︎ The end❤︎

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Thanks for reading!
-Ice Cream Rain
Art class update II is out!!


  1. Wow! I thoroughly enjoyed looking at all of your artwork. I also appreciated the way that you described the pieces. It gave me some extra things to think about and notice. Nice work everyone! Your apartment must be such a delight if you have all of those beautiful works hanging on the wall.

    1. Thank you!!! Yes, when we ask where something is, Mom's like, "Look in the cat cabinet." This is the cabinet that has the picture "The Cats" by Buster on it. Or she'll be like, "Look behind your street art." For example, that might mean "Happy on the outside" by me. Etcetera. I really enjoyed making this article!

  2. Amazing work. You're all so talented. This must be a great class.

    1. Thank you so much ^_^
      Yes, it's an amazing art class!!

  3. The kids are very talented. Love all of their artwork!! I can see they got this talent from you. Are you holding the classes at home with them?


    1. Thank you!!!!!! We are going to an art class, if you want to find out more check out my article "Art Class"!


  4. All of you are amazing and I'm so proud to have such a bunch of eclectic artist as my family! And you certainly are gathering up some fantastic experiences for whatever art you choose to delve into
