Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Biking along the Han River in Seoul

by Holly

We flew mid-day from Tokyo to Seoul and took a cab from the airport; turned out to be one of the tricked out vans with tinted windows that celebrities always ride in K dramas.

We checked in to our AWESOME mini-hanok near Bukchon.

Then walked down to the subway at Anguk. We rode down to Yeouinaru station.

We walked across the street to Yeoido Hangang Park, which in addition to being right next to the subway station, has many food vendors and plenty of rental bikes including kids bikes. We got our bikes sorted out (rented from a place called "Black Coffee", which doesn't immediately suggest bike rental right?). Then we headed east along the river on the Gangnam side.

The weather was perfect and everything was so beautiful in the afternoon sun.

There were some thunderclouds looming and we did get a short shower, but mostly they just served to make the sky look more dramatic.

We ducked under a bridge to get out of the rain for a few minutes

We rode down to Banpo bridge and the park there, pausing for a rest and a snack from the ubiquitous GS25. It was a Sunday and the parks were packed with people out for a picnic with friends and family and enjoying the nice weather. The bike path had quite a bit of traffic, but not so much that it made riding uncomfortable.

We headed back as the sun was setting and ate some delicious street food from the vendors at Yeoido after returning our bikes.

Note: selfie while riding a bike on a crowded bike path might not be the best idea

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